Proposed & Recent Changes

Proposed Amendments to Long Life Order Type

Each of TSX and TSXV has proposed amendments to the Long Life order type.

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Notice of Approval - Self-Trade Management

Proposed amendments to how Self-Trade Management interacts with Self-Trade Prevention have been approved.

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Notice of Approval - Minimum Price Improvement Peg

Proposed amendments to the Minimum Price Improvement Peg order type on TSXV have been approved.

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Notice of Approval – Contingent Option Trades

Proposed amendments to Contingent Option Trades have been approved.

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Notice of Approval - Minimum Price Improvement Peg

Proposed amendments to the Minimum Price Improvement Peg order type on each of TSX and Alpha have been approved.

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Proposed Amendments to Self-Trade Management

Proposed amendments to how Self-Trade Management interacts with Self-Trade Prevention.

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TSXV – Proposed Amendments to Minimum Price Improvement Peg

TSXV has proposed amendments to the Minimum Price Improvement Peg order type.

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TSX & Alpha – Proposed Amendments to Minimum Price Improvement Peg

Each of TSX and Alpha has proposed amendments to the Minimum Price Improvement Peg order type.

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Proposed Amendments to Contingent Option Trades

TSX has proposed amendments to Contingent Option Trades.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to TSX Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments to the TSX Rule Book to conform to a move by the Canadian securities industry to a cycle where settlement occurs one trading day after the trade date.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to conform to a move by the Canadian securities industry to a cycle where settlement occurs one trading day after the trade date.

Related Documents

Approval of Proposed Amendments to Introduce Alpha-X and Alpha DRK

The proposed amendment to introduce two new order books (Alpha-XTM and Alpha DRKTM) has been approved.

Related Documents

Approval of Proposed Amendment to Amend Alpha’s Order Processing Delay

The proposed amendment to amend Alpha's order processing delay (from randomized to static) has been approved.

Related Documents

Request for Industry Feedback Regarding Trading of Digital Assets on TSX Alpha Exchange

Alpha is publishing this voluntary Consultation Paper to solicit initial feedback regarding its proposal to permit the trading of digital assets on TSX Alpha Exchange.

Related Documents

Notice of Withdrawal - Proposed Amendments to Introduce Allocation Priority for Price Setting Orders to TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

TSXV is withdrawing its application regarding its proposed amendments to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to introduce allocation priority for price setting orders

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Notice of Withdrawal - Proposed Amendments to Introduce Allocation Priority for Price Setting Orders to TSX Rule Book

TSX is withdrawing its application regarding its proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book to introduce allocation priority for price setting orders.

Related Documents

Correction to Notice of Proposed Amendments and Request for Comment Regarding Alpha X, Alpha DRK and Alpha's Order Processing Delay

Alpha is correcting certain clerical errors contained in the Notice of Proposed Amendments and Request for Comment published on March 2, 2023 relating to the proposed introduction of two new order books (Alpha-XTM and Alpha DRKTM) and changes to Alpha's order processing delay.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to (i) Introduce Alpha-X and Alpha DRK; and (ii) Amend Alpha’s Order Processing Delay

Alpha is proposing to introduce two new order books (Alpha-XTM and Alpha DRKTM) and make changes to Alpha's order processing delay.

Related Documents

Approval of Proposed Amendments to Introduce (i) Providing Dark Liquidity functionality, and (ii) a Do Not Trade Self-Trade Prevention Order Feature on TSX and TSXV

Proposed amendments to introduce (i) Providing Dark Liquidity Functionality, and (ii) a Do Not Trade Self-Trade Prevention Order Feature on TSX and TSXV have been approved.

Proposed Amendments to Introduce (i) Providing Dark Liquidity functionality, and (ii) a Do Not Trade Self-Trade Prevention Order Feature

TSXV has proposed to introduce (i) Providing Dark Liquidity Functionality, and (ii) a Do Not Trade Self-Trade Prevention Order Feature.

Proposed Amendments to Introduce (i) Providing Dark Liquidity functionality, and (ii) a Do Not Trade Self-Trade Prevention Order Feature

TSX has proposed to introduce (i) Providing Dark Liquidity Functionality, and (ii) a Do Not Trade Self-Trade Prevention Order Feature.

Proposed Amendments to Introduce Allocation Priority for Price Setting Orders to TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

TSXV has proposed amendments to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to introduce allocation priority for price setting orders.

Proposed Amendments to Proposed Amendments to Introduce Allocation Priority for Price Setting Orders to TSX Rule Book

TSX has proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book to introduce allocation priority for price setting orders.

Housekeeping Amendments to Alpha Exchange Trading Policy Manual

Housekeeping Amendments to Alpha Exchange Trading Policy Manual have been approved to correct typographical errors, correct formatting errors, and standardize terminology.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to correct typographical errors, correct formatting errors, and standardize terminology.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to TSX Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Rule book to The Amendments are being made to correct formatting errors and standardize terminology.

Related Documents

Approval of Amendments to Introduce Conditional Orders on TSX and TSXV

Proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book and TSXV Rule Book to introduce conditional orders have been approved.

Related Documents

Approval of New Definitions to the TSXV Rulebook

Proposed amendments to the TSXV Rulebook to introduce definitions for TSXV Closing Price, TSXV Last Ask Price, and TSXV Last Bid Price, have been approved.

Related Documents

Approval of New Definitions to TSX Rule Book

The introduction of new definitions for TSX Closing Price, TSX Last Ask Price, and TSX Last Bid Price, to the TSX Rule Book has been approved.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to Introduce New Definitions to TSX Rule Book and TSXV Rule Book

TSX has proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book to introduce definitions for TSX Closing Price, TSX Last Ask Price, and TSX Last Bid Price

TSXV has proposed amendments to the TSXV Rule Book to introduce definitions for TSXV Closing Price, TSXV Last Ask Price, and TSXV Last Bid Price

Proposed Amendments to Introduce Conditional Orders on TSX and TSXV

Proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book and TSXV Rule Book to introduce conditional orders.

Related Documents

Approval of Alternative Closing Price on TSX and TSXV

The introduction by TSX and TSXV of an alternative closing price, which will set the last sale price for the day on the applicable exchange in the event of an outage or technical failure on such exchange, has been approved.

Related Documents

Approved Amendments to TSX and TSXV Broker Preferencing Functionality

Proposed amendments to allow anonymous broker preferencing against passive dark orders have been approved.

Related Documents

Approved Amendments to TSX and TSXV Market-On-Close Facility

Amendments to modernize the Market-On-Close facility, providing added transparency and improved client experience, have been approved.

Related Documents

Proposed Introduction of Alternative Closing Price on TSX and TSXV

TSX and TSXV propose introducing an alternative closing price, which will set the last sale price for the day on the applicable exchange in the event of an outage or technical failure on such exchange.

Related Documents

Approved Amendments to the TSX Rule Book – Trading of Sustainable Bonds on TSX

Proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book to enable posting for trading sustainable bonds on TSX have been approved.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to TSX and TSXV Broker Preferencing Functionality

Proposed amendments to allow anonymous broker preferencing against passive dark orders.

Related Documents

Notice of Withdrawal - Dynamic OPR

Withdrawal of proposed enhancements to existing options available to participants for complying with the Order Protection Rule.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to TSX and TSXV Market-On-Close Facility

Proposed amendments to modernize the Market-On-Close facility, providing added transparency and improved client experience.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendment to TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to (i) permit trades in a Special Trading Session where the Last Sale Price is not a valid price increment by rounding up to the nearest valid price increment, and (ii) delete the requirement to obtain TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") approval in respect of ownership of a significant equity interest of a TSXV member and replace it with a notice requirement.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to the TSX Rule Book – Trading of Sustainable Bonds on TSX

TSX has proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book to enable posting for trading Sustainable Bonds on TSX.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendment to TSX Rule Book

A housekeeping amendment has been approved to the TSX Rule Book to permit trades in a Special Trading Session where the Last Sale Price is not a valid price increment by rounding up to the nearest valid price increment..

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule to replace the requirement for Participating organizations, to obtain approval from TSX Venture for change in control transactions with a requirement that Participating organizations provide TSX Venture with prior notification of a change in control transaction, and to fix a typographical error.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to Alpha Exchange Trading Policy Manual

Housekeeping amendment has been approved to the Alpha Exchange Trading Policy Manual to remove the requirement to provide 30 days' notice of any fee changes.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Rule Book to replace the requirement for Participating Organizations, to obtain approval from TSX for change in control transactions with a requirement that Participating Organizations provide TSX with prior notification of a change in control transaction, delete unnecessary forms attached to the TSX Rulebook, fix typographical errors, and/or update existing practice.

Related Documents

Approved Changes to TSX and TSX Alpha Exchange Trading Functionality - Dynamic OPR Repricing

Proposed changes to implement further enhancements to existing options available to participants for complying with the Order Protection Rule have been approved for TSX and TSX Alpha Exchange Inc.

Related Documents

Approved Changes to TSX Trading Functionality - Dark Trading Enhancements

Proposed changes to implement further enhancements to current dark trading functionality by adding a new midpoint pegged order type, the Contra Midpoint Only Plus (CMO+) order have been approved for TSX.

Related Documents

Proposed changes to TSX and TSXV Seek Dark Liquidity (SDL) functionality

TSX and TSXV are introducing a third execution option known as ‘SDL Plus' which will provide participants with increased opportunity to capture price-improving dark liquidity when executing cross-seeking routing strategies. Comments on TSX trading functionality are due April 15, 2019.

Related Documents

Proposed Changes to TSX and TSXV Trading Functionality - Dynamic OPR Repricing

TSX and TSXV are introducing further enhancements to existing options available to participants for complying with the Order Protection Rule. Comments on TSX trading functionality are due March 25, 2019.

Related Documents

Approved Changes to TSX and TSXV Trading Functionality - MOC Enhancements

Proposed changes have been approved to introduce Closing Offset Orders and include Dark Limit Orders in the closing auction on TSX and TSXV.

Related Documents

Proposed Changes to TSX and TSXV Trading Functionality - Dark Trading Enhancements

TSX and TSXV are introducing further enhancements to current dark trading functionality by adding a new midpoint pegged order type, the Contra Midpoint Only Plus (CMO+) order. Comments on TSX trading functionality are due March 4, 2019.

Related Documents

Proposed MOC Enhancements - Introduction of Closing Offset Orders and Changes to Dark Limit Orders

Proposed introduction of the Closing Offset Order Type, which will provide further opportunity to supplement liquidity within the closing match as well as the proposed inclusion of Dark Limit Orders in the closing auction. Comments are due December 3, 2018.

Related Documents

Proposed Fee Changes - Introduction of Alpha Liquidity Provision Program

Proposed introduction of the TSX Alpha Liquidity Provision (ALP) program, which will provide TSX Alpha Exchange Members with an opportunity to earn reductions in their per share passive fee rate for trading on Alpha when meeting the specified volume thresholds. Comments are due October 1, 2018.

Related Documents

Notice of Withdrawl - Trading of US-Listed Securities on TSX International Board

Withdrawal of proposed amendments regarding the trading of US-listed securities on TSX International Board.

Related Documents

Approved Changes to TSX and TSXV Trading Functionality - Dark Trading Enhancements

Proposed changes have been approved to implement the Contra Midpoint Only (CMO) order type on TSX and TSXV.

Related Documents

Proposed Changes to TSX and TSXV Trading Functionality - Dark Trading Enhancements

TSX and TSXV are introducing further enhancements to current dark trading functionality by adding a new midpoint pegged order type, the Contra Midpoint Only (CMO) order, that will allow users to specify that the order is executable only against other similarly designated dark midpoint pegged orders. Comments on TSX trading functionality are due December 29, 2017.

Related Documents

Approval of Amendments to TSX Rule Book - Market Making

Proposed amendments have been approved to the TSX Rule Book to implement enhancements to the TSX Market Making Program

Related Documents

Approval of Amendments to TSXV Rule Book

Proposed amendments have been approved to the TSXV Rule Book to implement several enhancements to the current opening auction and on-book dark functionality on TSXV.

Related Documents

Approval of Amendments to TSX Rule Book

Proposed amendments have been approved to the TSX Rule Book to implement several enhancements to the current opening auction and on-book dark functionality on TSX.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule to conform to a move by the Canadian securities industry to a cycle where settlement occurs two trading days after the trade date, and to fix typographical errors.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to the Rules of ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Rule Book to conform to a move by the Canadian securities industry to a cycle where settlement occurs two trading days after the trade date, and to fix a typographical error.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to the TSX Rule Book and the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book - Dark Trading Enhancements

Amendments are being proposed to the TSX and TSXV Rule Books to implement several enhancements to the current on-book dark trading functionality on TSX and TSXV. Comments are due May 29, 2017.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to the TSX Rule Book and the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book - Opening Auction Functionality

Amendments are being proposed to the TSX and TSXV Rule Books to introduce a new 'Limit on Open' order type for use in the opening auction. This order type will allow participants to specify that a limit order is only eligible to participate in the opening auction. Comments are due May 29, 2017.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to the TSX Rule Book

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Rule Book to conform Rule 4-305 Sales from Control Block Through the Facilities of the Exchange to the issuer rules in Part VI, Section M of the TSX Company Manual.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to the TSX Rule Book - Market Making

TSX has proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book to implement changes to TSX's market making program. Related changes to marketplace functionality are also being proposed. Key changes include addition of a secondary market maker to TSX-listed equity securities (excluding ETFs) and improvements to the Minimum Guaranteed Fill (MGF) facility.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to the TSX Rule Book

TSX has proposed amendments to the TSX Rule Book in connection with its planned introduction of the 'TSX International Board', a separate board of TSX that will post for trading certain US-listed equity securities in Canadian dollars. Related changes to trading functionality to accommodate trading of US-listed securities are also being proposed.

Related Documents

Housekeeping Amendments to TSX Alpha Exchange Trading Policy Manual

Housekeeping amendments have been approved to the TSX Alpha Exchange Trading Policy to conform to the final guidance published by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada ("IIROC") requiring the establishment and operation of price thresholds by all Canadian marketplaces.

Related Documents

Approval of Changes to Post Only Functionality

The approved changes to Post Only functionality will extend the use of the Post Only feature to dark orders, thereby allowing a dark order to be posted on TSX and TSXV without trading as an active order. The Post Only feature will be available to dark executions during the regular continuous trading session on TSX and TSXV.

Related Documents

Approval of Amendments to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book

Amendments have been approved to the TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to implement the following enhancements to the Market-on-Close ("MOC") facility: i) a second MOC imbalance will be calculated and broadcast in the event of a delay of the closing call due to the invocation of the price movement extension; ii) following the broadcast of the second MOC imbalance, MOC limit orders may be entered in the MOC book on the opposite side of the second MOC imbalance; and iii) MOC limit orders that are not included in the first MOC imbalance (and offsetting MOC limit orders entered between 4:00 and 4:10 p.m.) may be cancelled.

Related Documents

Approval of Amendments to the TSX Rule Book

Amendments have been approved to the TSX Rule Book to implement the following enhancements to the Market-on-Close ("MOC") facility: i) a second MOC imbalance will be calculated and broadcast in the event of a delay of the closing call due to the invocation of the price movement extension; ii) following the broadcast of the second MOC imbalance, MOC limit orders may be entered in the MOC book on the opposite side of the second MOC imbalance; and iii) MOC limit orders that are not included in the first MOC imbalance (and offsetting MOC limit orders entered between 4:00 and 4:10 p.m.) may be cancelled.

Related Documents

Proposed Amendments to the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú and TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to reflect enhancements to the Market-on-Close ("MOC") facility and other housekeeping matters

Amendments have been proposed to the ÍÃ×ÓÏÈÉú and TSX Venture Exchange Rule Book to (a) reflect the following enhancements to the Market-on-Close ("MOC") facility: i) a second MOC imbalance will be calculated and broadcast in the event of a delay of the closing call due to the invocation of the price movement extension; ii) following the broadcast of the second MOC imbalance, MOC limit orders may be entered in the MOC book on the opposite side of the second MOC imbalance; and iii) MOC limit orders that are not included in the first or second MOC imbalance may be cancelled subject to the time constraints set by the applicable exchange, and (b) housekeeping changes to references to determining the availability of MOC for specified securities, and cancellation or modification of Limit-On-Close orders once the imbalance has been published.

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